TruTrade is a non profit organization that works for the financial upliftment of small and marginalized farmers.

Market linkages and getting a fair share-of-the-pie are the biggest problems for small and marginal farmers. Contrary to the common belief, access to market linkages and getting fair prices are NOT the same. Imagine the following scenario, the current purchase price of Banana is 16, and due to fair price intervention, if the farmer gets 20, from a statistical viewpoint it’s a 25% premium!! However, have you ever wondered the end price that the consumer pays? In this scenario the consumer was paying ₹ 90 and as a result the farmer gets only 22.22% share of the pie. What if we enable 60% share-of-the-pie to the farmer/producer? Is that possible? Find out how TruTrade is doing it?

Let’s Dream Big!!! Let’s Dream Fair!!!

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